Race: Half-Saiyan, Half-Human, Half-Demon, Half-ArchAngel Birthplace:The Planet - a planet near Planet Vegeta's former location. Height: 6'2" Weight: 135 Blood: Type O Hair: Blond Eyes: Blue Scars: One scar on his forhead, between the eyes. Items:
Weapon: The Hyperion Gunblade: The true ultimate gunblade. The Sword of Light: An ancient sword belonging to the Order of Light. Once held by the ArchAngel, Seifer. The Sword of Shadows: An ancient sword belonging to the Order of Shadows. Also known as the Sword of Darkness, once held by the Demon General, Seifer.
Purpose: To fight against evil! To defend the weak! To find a worthy opponent! In that order!!!
Really Important To Seifer: That beatiful girl, Miaka, who he's madly in love with.
Attacks: Energy Dan - Seifer gathers energy and fires hundreds of ki blasts out from his palms.
Demonic/Holy Transform - Seifer's past drives him along with his present, striving to make a better future. But his emotions are powerful enough to physically alter his form. This is extremely evident in his super forms. He has a basic form, a pure good form which increases his power above normal, and a pure evil form that posesses extreme speed.
Energy Conversion Transformation - Seifer has learned of hidden powers that lies deep in the subconcious mind. He has learned to tap into this part of his mind and can convert solid matter into pure energy. In a pure energy form, these things may pass through solid matter.
Psycic Hold - Seifer has learned of hidden powers that lies deep in the subconcious mind. He has learned to tap into this part of his mind and can use the energy in all things of nature to effect his surroundings. His abilty to manipulate his enviroment is based in his peaceful state of mind. It stretches his mind to it's known limits. His thoughts actually bend the ki fields around all living things. This is rather useless around weak forms of life, although if his mind is truly focused and more powerful than another, he can actually manipulate their motions. ((i.e. If he's not strong enough to get a real hold on someone's mind, he can actually move their body slightly, say their hands as they fire a ki blast enough that they're accuracy might be thrown off and they'll miss their target.)) If his mind is truly stronger than his target, he may actually be able to hold them motionless, where they stand.
Psycic Barrage - An attempt by Seifer to obliterate his opponent's weak mind, leaving nothing but a vegetable. Strong minds will resist this technique.
Pure Form: Angel's Hope - An aura of power that shines with intense heat that no evil form can look upon.
Pure Form: Demon's Wish - The demon slice technique. With his blade out to his side, Seifer focuses dark energy around his blade. It begins to glow with an eerie shade of green energy. He runs up to his opponent and slices him (somewhere on his body normally about midsection). The gunblade slices through the armor and the green energy tears into the flesh.
Aura Dome - Seifer lets his hands fall to his side. A circle of ki surrounds him. It goes out in every direction. Then like a flame it rises up and curls in to form a dome around the area Seifer is standing in. Depending on his mood, the flame will be either white or green. Green will basically burn any creature attempting to pass through it. White will only affect creatures with evil in their hearts. They both absorb all ki energy fired into them. At the end of the spar/fight/training session, Seifer can recall the dome and absorb the energy it has absorbed to increase his own power. If Seifer is rendered unconscious, the energy field dissipates and the collected energy is nullified and the barrier shatters into sparkling dust (Kind of like the Tree of Might Fruit).
Often Seen With:
AOL IM Name: SSJSeifer
E-mail Address: SSJSeifer@AlmasyIndustries.cjb.net